
The Process

Therapy is a collaborative process where we work together to improve problem areas and move towards your goals. For this work to be most effective, it is important that you take an active role in the process. Accordingly, sessions are typically scheduled on the same day and time each week, if possible. Consistent attendance leads to more effective treatment. The time we spend together will look different depending on the goals we are working on. Your goals and presenting issues will determine whether we use Talk Therapy, Cognitive Processing Therapy, or Art Therapy.

Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) is a protocol used with clients who have a trauma history. Cognitive Processing Therapy is a specific type of cognitive behavioral therapy that's effective in reducing symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that have developed after experiencing a variety of traumatic events including child abuse, combat, rape, unnatural/sudden death, and natural disasters. This evidence-based treatment is delivered over 12 sessions and helps folks learn how to challenge and modify unhelpful beliefs related to the trauma. CPT is a powerful treatment that allows people to achieve more balanced thinking with skills that essentially enable them to be their own therapist.

Art Therapy is an alternative and beneficial way to self-explore through non-verbal processing and art-making. It’s a powerful tool for folks to learn something new about their experiences and issues. And you don't have to draw or be an artist. Art therapy is a completely non-judgmental practice where the use of art supplies focuses on process rather the final product. Letting go of expectations and turning inward can help people unveil patterns and process vulnerable thoughts and feelings.

"Art therapy is based on the understanding that the creative process of art making is healing and supporting of personal development. Through art making, its observation, and self-reflection under the guidance of an art therapist, one can increase self-awareness, cope with illness, stress, and trauma, enhance cognitive abilities, and enjoy the life-affirming joy of creative endeavors." - The American Art Therapy Association